Code Documentation


class openfermionprojectq.Graph

An undirected graph of nodes of arbitrary connectivity

A generic graph class for undirected graphs that holds Nodes and edges that connect them.


list – A list of Node objects containing the nodes of the graph


list – A list of unique IDs (uids) for each node


dict – A dictionary that maps UIDs currently present in the graph to their node index


list of sets – A list of sets that enumerate the neighbors of each node. For example the neighbors of node i are the set neighbors[i]


int – The next unique ID to be assigned to a node on addition


Set up an empty graph with no nodes

add_edge(node_id1, node_id2)

Add an edge between node 1 and node2

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node on edge
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node on edge
add_node(node=<openfermionprojectq._graph.Node instance>)

Add a Node to the graph.

Parameters:node (Node) – A Node object to be added to the graph

Returns(int): The unique identified that was given to the node

find_index(value, starting_node=0)

Find the index of the first node that matches value in a BFS

Performs a breadth-first search of the graph starting at node index starting_node. Returns the index or None if no match is found

  • value (Node Value) –
  • starting_node (int) –

Return list of neighbors of the specified node

Parameters:node_id – Index of node to examine the neighbors of

Returns(list): List of current node IDs that are neighbors of node_id.

is_adjacent(node_id1, node_id2)

Test for adjacency between node1 and node2

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node

Number of nodes in the graph

Returns(int): Number of nodes currently in the graph

remove_edge(node_id1, node_id2)

Remove an edge between node1 and node2

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node on edge
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node on edge

Remove a graph node

This removes a node from the graph and leverages the unique ID system used internally to avoid having to modify the edges for all nodes in the graph.

Parameters:node_id (int) – Index of the node to be removed.
shortest_path(node_id1, node_id2)

Find the shortest path between node1 and node2 on the graph

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node

Returns(list): List of nodes from node_id1 to node_id2 that constitute the shortest possible path in the graph between those two nodes.

class openfermionprojectq.Node(value=None)

Graph node

These graph nodes may be used to store data or other attributes within the Graph structure.


Build a graph node initialized with generic value

openfermionprojectq.TimeEvolution(time, hamiltonian)

Converts the Hamiltonian to an instance of the ProjectQ QubitOperator and then returns an instance of the ProjectQ TimeEvolution gate. This gate is the unitary time evolution propagator: exp(-i * H * t), where H is the Hamiltonian of the system and t is the time. Note that -i factor is stored implicitly.


wavefuction = eng.allocate_qureg(5) hamiltonian = 0.5 * QubitOperator(“X0 Z1 Y5”) # Apply exp(-i * H * t) to the wavefunction: TimeEvolution(time=2.0, hamiltonian=hamiltonian) | wavefunction

  • time (float, int) – time t
  • hamiltonian (QubitOperator) – hamiltonaian H

Instance of ProjectQ TimeEvolution gate.

  • TypeError – If time is not a numeric type and hamiltonian is not a QubitOperator.
  • NotHermitianOperatorError – If the input hamiltonian is not hermitian (only real coefficients).
openfermionprojectq.uccsd_generator(single_amplitudes, double_amplitudes, anti_hermitian=True)

Create a fermionic operator that is the generator of uccsd.

This a the most straight-forward method to generate UCCSD operators, however it is slightly inefficient. In particular, it parameterizes all possible excitations, so it represents a generalized unitary coupled cluster ansatz, but also does not explicitly enforce the uniqueness in parametrization, so it is redundant. For example there will be a linear dependency in the ansatz of single_amplitudes[i,j] and single_amplitudes[j,i].

  • single_amplitudes (list or ndarray) – list of lists with each sublist storing a list of indices followed by single excitation amplitudes i.e. [[[i,j],t_ij], …] OR [NxN] array storing single excitation amplitudes corresponding to t[i,j] * (a_i^dagger a_j - H.C.)
  • double_amplitudes (list or ndarray) – list of lists with each sublist storing a list of indices followed by double excitation amplitudes i.e. [[[i,j,k,l],t_ijkl], …] OR [NxNxNxN] array storing double excitation amplitudes corresponding to t[i,j,k,l] * (a_i^dagger a_j a_k^dagger a_l - H.C.)
  • anti_hermitian (Bool) – Flag to generate only normal CCSD operator rather than unitary variant, primarily for testing

Anti-hermitian fermion operator that is the generator for the uccsd wavefunction.

Return type:


openfermionprojectq.uccsd_singlet_evolution(packed_amplitudes, n_qubits, n_electrons, fermion_transform=<function jordan_wigner>)

Create a ProjectQ evolution operator for a UCCSD singlet circuit

  • packed_amplitudes (ndarray) – Compact array storing the unique single and double excitation amplitudes for a singlet UCCSD operator. The ordering lists unique single excitations before double excitations.
  • n_qubits (int) – Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system, which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.
  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the physical system
  • fermion_transform (openfermion.transform) – The transformation that defines the mapping from Fermions to QubitOperator.

The unitary operator

that constructs the UCCSD singlet state.

Return type:


openfermionprojectq.uccsd_singlet_generator(packed_amplitudes, n_qubits, n_electrons, anti_hermitian=True)

Create a singlet UCCSD generator for a system with n_electrons

This function generates a FermionOperator for a UCCSD generator designed
to act on a single reference state consisting of n_qubits spin orbitals and n_electrons electrons, that is a spin singlet operator, meaning it conserves spin.
  • packed_amplitudes (list) – List storing the unique single and double excitation amplitudes for a singlet UCCSD operator. The ordering lists unique single excitations before double excitations.
  • n_qubits (int) – Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system, which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.
  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the physical system.
  • anti_hermitian (Bool) – Flag to generate only normal CCSD operator rather than unitary variant, primarily for testing

Generator of the UCCSD operator that

builds the UCCSD wavefunction.

Return type:


openfermionprojectq.uccsd_singlet_paramsize(n_qubits, n_electrons)

Determine number of independent amplitudes for singlet UCCSD

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits/spin-orbitals in the system
  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the reference state

Number of independent parameters for singlet UCCSD with a single reference.

openfermionprojectq.uccsd_trotter_engine(compiler_backend=<projectq.backends._sim._simulator.Simulator object>, qubit_graph=None, opt_size=None)

Define a ProjectQ compiler engine that is common for use with UCCSD

This defines a ProjectQ compiler engine that decomposes time evolution gates using a first order Trotter decomposition on non-commuting gates down to a base gate decomposition.

  • compiler_backend (projectq.backend) – Define the backend on the circuit compiler, so that it may either simulate gates numerically or alternatively print a gate sequence, e.g. using projectq.backends.CommandPrinter()
  • qubit_graph (Graph) – Graph object specifying connectivity of qubits. The values of the nodes of this unique qubit ids. If None, all-to-all connectivity is assumed.
  • opt_size (int) – Number for ProjectQ local optimizer to determine size of blocks optimized over.

projectq.cengine that is the compiler engine set up with these

rules and decompostions.